Hello Friends!

Whether you meant to get here or stumbled upon this on accident, I’m glad you did!

My name is Abby and this site is a collection of some of my passions – Jesus and creating.

You’ll see that I’ve broken up this website into three main sections:

  1.  Design: In this category you can find exactly what you would think – design work. Most of this will be things I’ve done for my classes or job as I’m currently working to build a personal portfolio outside of school and work.
  2. Etc: The second tab will be a collection of my hobby art – just things I’ve made for fun or for friends and family.
  3. Writing: Probably the most ironic part of this whole thing. While I don’t particularly like writing – definitely not like I do Jesus or creating, I have to give it up to writing for being the actual origin of this website. A while ago I was feeling called to step out confidently in faith and do something I really never thought I would do.. write about my life, what I was learning, and how the Lord was growing me. Doing this was a bit scary at first, but has proven to be so rewarding. Reading people’s responses on how me sharing has impacted them and even just looking back myself at my life and how I’ve been pruned and refined has shown me the importance and reason for starting this. Writing is something I’ve kinda slowed down on recently but plan on jumping back into real soon, so stay tuned!

Anyways, with that all being said I hope you enjoy what you find and if you’re interested in or have any questions about my work, my faith, or getting together to create something great, please reach out!